I told my boss at work that he should hire my sister who is 16 and is looking for a job.
it is hard getting a job at that young of age. with no experience and such.
that is why it is nice to have family and friends with hook ups.
that is how i got this hostessing job was from a friend in high school.
had an interview that day my boss gave me my shirt and apron. it was grand. fun times.
well anyways.
my sister went in to turn her application in.
yes she came back with a shirt and apron.
so exciting.
friday. TODAy. is her first day of work. I'm so proud of her and love her so much!
I can't wait tell tuesday because she and I will be working the same shift. and i get to help her answer take out orders oh boy. i love love this.
we will be matching outfits. how cute. ha ha.
yesterday during the day my sister came into work when it was slow.
and i should her how to use the computer's before the supervisor trains her. yes i'm a nice sister like that.
we went over the menu and I helped her memorize the pizza numbers.
she is a natural and memorize.
ahhhhhh! can't wait!
love you dearly!
funny thing is. now my sister's friend applied and is training to be a busser this week. i hope they get atleast one night to work with each other. it is always fun working with friends. i loved it.
Good Luck today at your first day work sis!
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