Tonight I just joined a Sorority at the University of Utah Institute. Driving there and being back into the college feeling was awesome. I loved seeing all the cars in the parking lot. Walking into the building and seeing other college students and I might add very attractive guys ;) ha ha who wouldn't want to miss that! I signed up and this girl Lindsey that is an officer was willing to take me around to look and observe the different institute groups to join. There were so many to choose from, i didn't know which one but decided to go with the GROOVIN GAMMA ;) Alisha told me to join this one and says that they are a really fun group, and just going in their room, it looked like a fun group of sister's and the parent as the leader looked awesome and was fun to talk to. The officers were very helpful and got me excited...just hearing about the activities it makes me miss the college life down at snow but can't wait for this alot more people to get to know. There is a kickball tournament instead of powder puff can't wait for that it is in a couple of weeks. Being a P.E teacher that is what we played this week hopefully with doing that activity I can practice for the tournament but all that you have to do is kick a ball and catch it can't be that hard right...ha ha hopefully we win. I got an awesome Tie dye shirt with The groovin Gamma title on it ;) I'm excited to be in this group this semester and have the opportunity to meet new people and create new friends and new memories and of course meet some cute guys. I love how it is part of the Institute and they incorporate the Gospel ;) I love how we can all share the same standards and help each other grow as Daughters in this glorious gospel, Because we truely our all Sisters and Brothers in this world. I hope I can be an example to those around me and try my best to be the best I can and to participate in any way I can;) I'm excited!!!
-What The Groovin Gamma is all about-
Pledge: "I am a woman of God. I strive daily to be all that He wants me to be. I pledge to seek spiritual strength, increase bonds of sisterhood, foster lifelong scholarship, and render Christ-like service. I honor priesthood covenants and faithfully strive for the blessings of the temple. I find joy in womanhood and nobility in motherhood. "
Guiding Principle: "Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come. " D&C 68:6
Three Ideals:
- Sisterhood: "Therefore, strengthen your (sisters) in all your conversation, in all your prayers, in all your exhortations, and in all your doings. " D&C 108:7
- Scholarship: "....and ye shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true." Mosiah 4: 12
- Service: "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small thing proceedeth that which is great." D&C 64:33
We sing the song "Be of Good Cheer" I guess after our meetings every thursday. I love the words to this song, they really stood out to me and loved singing it.
Lyrics to the song:)
Lord give me eyes to see the wonders of this earth.
Help me to only seek the things of greatest worth.
Bless me, thorugh sun and rain to feel that thou are near.
To put my trust in Thee, and be of good cheer
I feel thy hand in nature's beauty.
Feel they perfect love for me.
And I'll be strong because I may Depend On saving Help from Thee Lord
help me know that thou wilt lift me when I fall.
Help me to understand that Thou art over all.
Give me a happy hear with vision bright and clear.
Bless me and lift me up
Help me to feel thy love
and be of good cheer.
I'm excited for this semseter and being part of The Groovin Gamma ;)
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