- I had two seventh grade girls needing to use the restroom next to my P.E office. They brought me their binders to hold while they went to the restroom. When they were leaving the one girl said to her friend...That is our new P.E teacher she is prettier then the other teacher. I laughed but it gave me confidence in myself realizing that I can do this.
- Working with the 2nd graders. I was lineing them up against the wall to put them into teams, having the help of my wonderful assitant that I can't do this with out(mom;). The class was lined up against the wall and there were two children that were 3 feet away from the class. I told them to come closer to the group...and the one little boy was like I'm the line leader and need to be in front. So this little boy is trying to take on his job that the teacher gave him of being the line leader but at the same time this little girl is wanting to be in front. It was funny to see how firm he was about being the line leader. I bet we have all been in that kind of situation and standing firm on our position.
- Again this is my first day of doing this job at Nibly Park and we decided to do kickball with all the age groups...didn't work the way we wanted which was fine and we were able to go to plan B and the children loved it. The 1st graders we started off with kickball realizing the first kicker that this wasn't going to work. The one little boy Parker was lined up to kick. I told them after they kick the ball they run to the bases which were white and on the grass. I pitched the kick ball to him and then this little boy Parker kicked it then step right on to home plate.Then the boy that was right by the kickball Dominque grabbed it and told Parker that he had to run to the other base and Parker was like she said to run to a white base so I choose this one....then Parker got off but Dominque got him out. It was also to hot so we went to plan B and played games in the shade. I love working with 1st graders, and realized this was my favorite class at the end of the day. I loved how attentive they were when I was taking, and they were all willing to participate with the different games. Just to see their smiles and the energy each child had I realized I was here to help them get their P.e acitivty in for the day, but also to have fun.
- After playing games with the first graders. One boy Darrick said to me when we were lining up in the shade to go back inside. He was like: Next P.E class can we please not do so much running and moving activity, because I am tired....it made me laugh because that is what P.E class is for to let out all your energy and do a physical activity. I told my assist (my mom) and she was like I wonder if he goes to math class asking the teacher can we stop doing math...ha ha so funny what children say. Love them.
- A six grade girl when lining up after kickball to go inside to meet their regular teacher. She asked me if I was the new P. E teacher I said yes for a couple of months then you will get your old P.E teacher back. She said that she enjoyed me and really liked me as a P.E teacher. I love the partipation of the class and seeing them work well as students. Also it was hard not to call my mom, Mom in front of the students. Some students were able to catch it and would ask: Is that your mom? It made me laugh and of course I said yes, but it is Mrs. Monsen...I will need to try harder to say Mrs. Monsen. Two seventh grade girls heard that I said that and lining up to go inside. The one girl was like...so what is your mom fixing for dinner: chicken pot roast. and I said no i'm not quiet sure ha ha loving the fact that I have my mom there to help me with these children and make sure every thing is in control. Which it was and went GREAT! ;)

Ms. Monsen and Mrs. Monsen our the new P.E teachers in to action ;)
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